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JEEViKA (Bihar Rural Livelihood Mission) and CSISA Kharif planning meet

JEEVIKA and CSISA work closely in Bihar to ensure inclusive agri-research and food systems, particularly for women farmers. On May 26th, a state-level planning meeting with JEEViKA was organized by CSISA in  Patna to discuss Kharif preparations. 

CSISA and JEEViKA officials discuss Kharif interventions/activities supporting women farmers in Bihar

Ms. Sugandha Munshi, Gender Lead CSISA, and Shri Anil Kumar, Program Manager JEEViKA, set the agenda and planning of activities along with district officials of JEEViKA and CSISA at the meeting. In his opening remarks, Dr. R.K. Malik, who joined virtually, apprised the participants of current interventions and stressed the need to work together to support women farmers with better agronomic practices. Dr. Sonam Sherpa from CSISA led the technical sessions with standard operating procedures for direct-seeded rice demonstrations and community nurseries as interventions in Kharif 2022.

Along with the activities to be undertaken with the CSISA and JEEViKA team in Kharif 2022, the field scenario, ongoing activities with women farmers – their needs, and challenges were discussed in detail. Shri Kumar observed that the challenges of climate change were growing and said, “We must reach women farmers directly with improved farming practices to ensure they are less affected.” Dr. Malik added, “along with the improved technology, it is also important that women get economic benefits when adopting any new suggestive technologies. “Ms. Munshi shared,” Gender is not a standalone concept.” She reflected on the recently concluded training by CSISA of 14 JEEViKA Master Trainers at ISARC, Varanasi, on DSR and how they are expected to play a crucial role in taking the technologies to the cadre of Jeevika. She further presented a quick update on the Convergence platform activities and Jeevika’s role in making it an inclusive platform. 

Shri Kumar led the planning meeting with the JEEViKA and CSISA Bihar team for the Kharif interventions – DSR and Rice Nursery Enterprise. At the meeting, to take forward the decisions made, he proposed two regional-level planning meetings for districts to reach women and farmers across the state directly.

Accordingly, two regional-level meetings covering 13 districts were organized in Gaya and Muzaffarpur on June 1st and 2nd, respectively. In the meeting, the Manager (Livelihood Farm), one Livelihood Specialist, and three best practicing farmers for DSR demonstration and Rice Nursery Enterprise participated from each district. Nearly 100 participants interacted and shared the best practices and the implications of the Kharif activities to be undertaken on the ground. The on-field demonstration on DSR was held on the second day of training by JEEViKA district in-charges and CSISA concerned district scientists.

CSISA-JEEViKA regional workshop and field demonstration in Gaya, Bihar